Hello world

  07 Jan 2024

Hello, my name is Mauro and this is my personal website. I enjoy doing things and will post them here. What kind of things? Every thing, but mostly random pieces of software or electronics that I come up with.

I will be sharing some of my random stuff (but believe me, there are so many more things that don’t even deserve to be seen by other eyes) not for any particular goal, I just hope that you may find my things somewhat curious or peculiar. Who knows, maybe in the heap of spontaneus creativity I’m dumping on the net there’s something useful or inspiring for at least a single person. If you do find it, make sure to let me know so I can be satisfied and glad I’m not wasting my time :) but I’m having fun doing this anyway, so no time wasted.

This website exists because I enjoy programming and learning new skills, so I picked up web programming some time ago and wanted to create something. I just miss the old Internet (that I never really lived) where people made their web pages their personal space. Yes, the website itself is one of those random things that are so dear to me, so check it every now and then and see if I come up with new interesting content. Anyway, feel free to have a look and grab what you want. You can even use in your projects things you may find useful, just make sure to provide attribution, all the software is provided under the ??? license, everything else is provided under the CC BY-SA license.

Enjoy your stay :D